
“Oh Gawwwd! I made a mistake!”

How can a mistake be a happy mistake?

In my previous post, I created a video on self-discipline. In the process of creating it, I made a big mistake. Can you tell where it was?

If you guessed in the middle between the general discussion and the more personal discussion, you'd be right.

I don't need to go into what happened, other than to say, I didn't like how it came off in the video. So I got rid of it.

What resulted though was a real advance over previous videos.

In what way?

I learned how to create different scenes. There are two scenes in that video: the general and the personal. They are separated by branded graphics, with music that fades in and out.

The skill and ability to create decent videos is getting better by the week.

More new stuff on the way in the coming weeks.

But the more important point - the point of this post - is that mistakes are not necessarily bad things. They may be things you'd rather not have to deal with. But if you are on the lookout for opportunities - even if only the opportunities to learn something, then harnessing mistakes becomes not just possible, but likely too.

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