
Posts Tagged opportunity

Winning the battle with Type 2 Diabetes, or “I’m buying new jeans!”

I recently commented on Facebook that I had not eaten starches or sweets (fruits, yogurts, desserts, etc.) for almost a year. As has happened several times over the last year, a friend suggested that I not be too rigid about this. But context matters, and it’s appropriate for me to set the context. Here’s my […]


New Directive: Travel Through Life Lightly

When I travel to a different city, I prefer to travel light. That means not carrying a bunch of extra stuff just because “I might need it.” This is the complete opposite of how I have lived my life generally. I have lived it as if I live here, and “here” is a permanent location, […]


The Week Behind

In the previous entry, I said that I’d try to spread out my posts throughout the week ahead. Here it is; time’s up, and I’m doing it again – clustering them all at once. And yet, despite this, I feel a good sense of achievement. The image for this post tells the tale. My hard […]


“Oh Gawwwd! I made a mistake!”

How can a mistake be a happy mistake? In my previous post, I created a video on self-discipline. In the process of creating it, I made a big mistake. Can you tell where it was? If you guessed in the middle between the general discussion and the more personal discussion, you’d be right. I don’t […]


The Power of Self-Discipline

There is great power in self-discipline. Opportunities and necessities – both call for – well watch this very short video and ask yourself where self-discipline can serve you well. Can you recall instances in your life where you missed an opportunity because you didn’t exercise the self-discipline that would have prepared you? Can you do […]