
I apply for a passport today

This short (under 5 minutes) video tells the story of how I applied for a passport today, and what I recommend if you live in a somewhat large city. Though America-centric, I'd guess what I say holds true in most developed countries...

Sound Off!
What has been your experience? Am I right or has your experience has been totally different? Tell the world with your comments!

The Joy of Writing Tools

I believe in spending money judiciously (for the most part). I don't like buying gadgets just because a lot of other people call them "cool." Such bandwagon buying seems dumb-as-a-stump to me.

So when the iPad and later the Android competitors came out, I resisted buying them. I looked at them and found them wanting. I had a laptop computer, and it worked well for me. And while I am now the pleased owner of a Galaxy Tab Version 2 tablet, my most trusted writing companions are my pens and paper.

I cut my teeth with pen (and pencil) and paper. I came to love the feel of the pen gliding across a sheet of paper. The aesthetic sense of workign with a good pen  I'm partial to the wide barrel variety, like Pilot's Dr. Grip pens

Pens like these greatly relieve hand fatigue, which has recently become an issue for me. I'm not sure if such pens can forestall this kind of problem, but as is said of chicken soup: "it couldn't hoyt."

You might think there's nothing to discuss when it comes to paper. This is far from the case.

I like the spiral bound notebooks produced by companies like Mead. I have more than 30 hand-printed journals comprised mainly of these notebooks. You can pick these up at nearly any office supply store for less than $3.

More pricey but much better suited for brainstorming, I like the Bienfang NTESKTCH pads. The sheets in this wirebound journal are half-ruled and half-blank. So I can sketch or doodle and then write a description. And the kinesthtic, pen-on-paper experience is superb.

If writers hand fatigue isn't an insurmountable for you, and if you enjoy the feeling of a good pen on paper, consider the Pilot and the Bienfang. I'd appreciate knowing how you like them.

Testing blog creation from my Droid

A big thanks to Lynn Terry for pointing me to the WordPress app on the Droid, and suggesting that I could create posts by talking into the Droid when away from my computer.

I am doing this now. The hard part is to not edit what I say and to save the editing function for when I'm at my computer. (If you're reading these words, it means the editing has been done.)

By doing this I can create posts on the fly whenever I think of something and save it as a draft to be polished (to whatever extent) later. Or if urgency exceeds polish, I can post right away and clean it up afterward when I have time.

This is definitely a skill to master.

I suggest you visit Lynn Terry at

ApplyThisToday? What’s that?

Welcome to the Grand Opening launch of My name is Bal Simon; I will be your host, your entertainer, your guide, and by your leave, a source of action-oriented information you can use.

Over time the categories along the right will give you a sense of what you can expect to find here. In the short term, it's going to be a little sparse as I don't use PLR or filler junk to make the site look like something it is not.

So much as I would love it for you to stay here today, as of this writing, there's not yet much to look at yet. It's just going to take some time to have this site shine with complete resplendence.

Still I don't want you to leave empty handed. Read More...