
Posts Tagged Weight Watchers™

Winning the battle with Type 2 Diabetes, or “I’m buying new jeans!”

I recently commented on Facebook that I had not eaten starches or sweets (fruits, yogurts, desserts, etc.) for almost a year. As has happened several times over the last year, a friend suggested that I not be too rigid about this. But context matters, and it’s appropriate for me to set the context. Here’s my […]


Down another 8p

I weighed in again at Weight Watchers again today. Since my last post, I’m down another 8 pounds, meaning down nearly 40p since I began this journey. Weight Watchers talks about non-food rewards for when you reach certain goals. For those who’ve never had to deal with weight loss, you probably have trouble relating to […]


I’ve lost 30 pounds so far… some thoughts for your consideration

I’ve been overweight for a long time – a long time. A little more than a year ago, I was diagnosed as diabetic. Fasting blood sugar numbers typically ranged in the high 120s to low 160s. There was a likelihood that things would get a lot worse if I didn’t change how I ate. Being […]