I weighed in again at Weight Watchers again today. Since my last post, I'm down another 8 pounds, meaning down nearly 40p since I began this journey.
Weight Watchers talks about non-food rewards for when you reach certain goals.
For those who've never had to deal with weight loss, you probably have trouble relating to this. After all, odds are you rarely if ever use food as a reward. But for someone like me, it is a significant change to be making. And while it's simple, it isn't easy.
I decided to give myself two rewards, one of which I've already given myself and have begun using:
DDP Yoga, formerly called Yoga for Regular Guys, by professional wrestler, Diamond Dallas Page (DDP). In another post, I will tell you why I went with this. I did my second session with it today, worked up a mild sweat, and I'm enjoying it - a lot.
The second non-food reward will hopefully be earned this week. When I see a "decadal" change on the scale (I was four tenths of a pound away from it today!) I will buy myself some new blue jeans.
I know. I know - it probably seems like small potatoes. But a food reward is typically small, too. And unlike food, new jeans will last me a while because whatever a fop is, I'm the opposite of that. I NEVER buy new clothes until they are threadbare. But my jeans are getting baggy. Really baggy.
So - come on 4/10ths of a pound! Let me buy my new blue jeans!
Like I said last time, while I don't attribute all of this to Weight Watchers, there is also no way that I'd be doing what I'm doing as effectively or pleasantly as I am without it. The group I'm part of is truly supportive, as is Diane, our leader.
I wonder what the scale will show next week.