
Caution! Use Your Own Links


In the last post, I included a link that would take you to where you could get a larger-than-usual Dropbox for under $10. To create that link, I used my account. For anyone who doesn’t know, is a service that enables you to create short-links to destinations you want to share.

I have enjoyed using it, but have found that it is mainly useful to me when posting things that are not meant to be reliable for my business over the long term. Thus I’ve had a policy which states that links that I provide on my blog will either be direct links to a destination or will be home-owned short links that I fully control.

Unfortunately, I ignored the policy, so when I visited my blog post and clicked the link, I was taken to a page that said (paraphrasing), Caution – This Link is Questionable; Proceed at Your Own Risk.

I trusted the link, so proceeded and sure enough, I was taken to the right place. But if you don’t know me, then that kind of thing can sour you on the information I provide really fast.

Now, it’s one thing if you don’t like what I provide because you dislike it. That’s fine by me. You can’t please everyone, so that’s not a big deal to me.

It’s quite another for some third party to take what I’m providing and cast aspersions on it without me having any say in the matter.

So – I changed the link from one by to one that is a redirect.  Problem solved, and policy validated.


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