
Motivated but Stuck – Get It Done, Part 2 of 3

confusionContinuing the discussion about getting back on track when you’re stuck. (Read part 1 here)

What happens if you are motivated, perhaps even highly motivated, but either don't know what to do or how to do it?

If you can't figure out the next steps, I recommend two different strategies, perhaps using them together.

Strategy #1: Working from the goal, backwards.

This is very simple to describe. Start by imagining your goal already achieved and ask, "How did I get here."

Imagine and list all the steps "it took" to get there. If your goal is audacious enough, odds are you'll have some gaps that need to be filled in. That's fine. Just keep going.

Finally, as you work back more and more, you'll eventually get to where you are right now. And you will have the next thing you are supposed to do in order to achieve your goal right in front of you.

Strategy #2: Mindmap/brainstorm

Brainstorming has been around forever and most everyone who will read this blog knows what a mindmap is. (Wikipedia).

My most creative mindmapping happens when I use a pen and paper. I get almost as good results if I use software like Mindomo or Freeplane. On my Galaxy Tab, I use Mind Manager for Android. Your mileage may vary; use the tools that work best for you.

When you mindmap/brainstorm, what you are doing is letting your mind be guided by what you have in the map in front of you. You can proceed in several ways. Finer detail. New details. New subjects. Etc.  You can take a bunch of related details and consolidate them, thereby having something entirely new to work with.

By combining these two strategies, you can work backwards and brainstorm the steps with a good mindmap.

What to do with the Gaps

There are two kinds of gaps: a gap in knowing WHAT to do. And a gap in knowing HOW to perform the step you're on.

Sometimes a new effort, this time, treating the step itself as the goal, can get you where you need to go.

Other times, you may simply lack the knowledge. The mindmap will tell you in no uncertain terms, because if you can't describe it, you don't know it. Pretty simple. It's not like we're trying to get at a definition of "love" or "justice." We're trying to solve "What to do?" or a "How to do it?" kinds of problems.

Once you can't proceed further, you will need to do one of two things: innovate a solution that effectively handles the step in question, or tap into someone who knows how to do what you want to do and either learn from or hire that person to help you go forward.

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